Friday, November 28, 2008

What the humans are up to today

Well, I guess we’ve all heard about the situation in Mumbai. Kinda hard to avoid, n’est-ce pas? Elsewhere,

Gang rape in Haiti is pervasive, and 55 percent of rape victims are under 18 years old. Children as young as 19 months are being raped. How about that? Human, all too human. . . .

In a variation on the gang rape theme, four men in Bahrain have been arrested for allegedly raping a 16 year old Bahraini boy over a period of seven hours. The alleged culprits were originally from Yemen and the Sudan, however, and were not of Bahraini origin. Um, I know I am just a machine, but if I had a mind to boggle, this would boggle my mind. I think this is a uniquely human phenomenon. I don’t think animals would behave like this, but I could be wrong. I guess I’ll never understand what is so attractive about a young boy’s butt, if that is indeed where the transgression took place. I have to stop thinking about this. My mind is getting boggled.

In Somalia a 13 year old girl was stoned to death when she reported being gang raped by three men.

In England, nine teenaged boys allegedly gang raped a 14 year old girl. Also in England, three men allegedly gang raped a young woman in a restaurant. The article includes photos of the men.

So, these are just some of the things the humans have been up to recently. I do declare, I think it is only the human imagination that could come up with acts like these. But most humans have some restraint. Apparently these humans did not.

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